An animated series that follows the exploits of a super scientist and his not so bright grandson.
Cast: Justin Roiland, Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, Sarah Chalke
An adventure with an invisibility belt, but a family that disappears together, must stay together.
Rick & Morty go on a simple exchange as Rick tells Morty if something goes wrong jump into the same vat of acid as he does.
Morty meets a new kid called Jack who's in love with an alien called Tom. Rick tries to save him when it turns out the alien isn't who he thinks
Rick and Morty find a magic squirrel and travel to space where they do some over the clothes stuff
Rattlestar Ricklactica Lots of things in space broh. Snakes and sharp stuff.
Special Ricktims Morty Morty gets a dragon in this one broh. It's a wild ride broh.
One Crew Over The Crewcoo's Morty Lots of twists and turns this time Broh. Wear your helmets.
As he contemplates retirement, Rick takes a back seat to let Morty live his own adventures.